
Friday 18 June 2010

Eco-chic violations, exhaustion and writer's block

There have just been so many things going lately. There have been trips, social events and work-related events, and many eco-chic principes have been violated. This is very unfortunate indeed. I am terribly exhausted and this has now resulted in a bit of a writer's block as well, but let us look a bit at the eco-chic violations that have been committed these last few months.

I have been on a total of 8 flights. I found a site called Carbon Footprint, which is pretty handy because you can calculate your carbon footprints depending on what you do or even how you live your life. My total ended up on 1,27 tonnes for these 8 flights.

You can, after calculating how many tonnes of CO2 you have emitted, become "carbon neutral" buy carbon offsetting, which is basically paying a certain amount of money that is invested in a sustainability project or the like. One option is a Reforestation project in Kenya, another is a wind power project in Mongolia through Certified Emission Reduction (CER) Offset Credits.


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