
Wednesday 21 April 2010

APRIL | Activity of the month | ASHTANGA YOGA

This is the first "Activity of the month" post which is part of my blog plans described on the page of the same name in Maya's bubble.

I will be trying out a class of Ashtanga yoga at Puroyoga, a yoga centre in Oslo, this evening. It has been buzzing around me recently and I have been running around like a head-less chicken. I therefore think that I am ready for reducing my stress levels and bring some harmony back in my life. A body and mind activity like Yoga must be the perfect solution.

Ashtanga or "Eight Limbed" Yoga (in Sanskrit) is a dynamic type of yoga where you focus on movement and breathing. . This is a great way to stay to stay fit and some claim that it might help if you are trying to loose weight. Some of the physioloical benefits of practicing Ashtanga yoga is that it enhances strength and flexibility. There are also several psychological benefits - it is said to calm the mind and hence reduce stress and anxiety.

There are six series in Ashtanga yoga and I will be trying out the "primary series" which "realigns the spine, detoxifies the body, and builds strength, flexibility and stamina". (From The series consists of appr. 75 poses including the sun salutations (versions A and B) as well as standing poses, seated poses, inversions and backbends. The last part of the session is relaxation.

To be continued after class.



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